迅欧国际集团和速杰适信息咨询有限公司(Sun’O Intl Group &So Just Business & Information Consulting Company)是一家国内较早从事专业外籍人力资源的服务机构。
Sun’O international Group & So Just Business & Information Consulting Company is a domestic professionally &. earlier engaged in foreign human resources service agency.

- dedicated to solving your foreign human resource supply issues.


After several years of development, So Just Business & Information Consulting Company already has formed their own core competitiveness: both rich foreigners resources, and a professional expatriate evaluation system. With these two aspects of guarantee, So Just Business & Information Consulting Company in the industry and customer base has a good reputation.



Service Process



Individual Client

1. 在我们的网站上填写在线申请表。请详细填写此表格,以便我们能更准确地帮您安排。当您提交了您的信息后,工作人员会尽快与您取得联系。您也可直接拨打外籍人士咨询热线021 - 60519008,我们的服务人员随时为您提供在线咨询。

In our web site fill in "the online application". Please fill out this form, so that we can more accurately help you arrange for you need a foreigner. When you submit your information, the staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible. You can directly dial expatriates hotline w - 60519008, our service personnel at your offer online consulting.


2. 我们确认了您找外籍人士的基本信息后,会根据您的要求帮您安排一位最适合您的外籍人士。并且安排与您的面试。面试地点在我们公司,如果您选择我们公司以外的地点,则需支付我们工作人员伍拾圆出勤费。您可以通过面试来了解外籍人士的基本情况,如果您对外籍人士满意,则需要和外籍人士商定时间、地点及交换联系方式等,最后与我们签订外籍人士服务合同。如果您对我们安排的外籍人士不满意,我们可帮您重新安排外籍人士面试。

After confirming basic information from you, we according to your requirement arrange interview. The meeting in our company, if you choose other location, it is required to pay our staff . The fee is 50 RMB. If you satisfaction, then contact with us, sign service contract. If this arrangment are not satisfied, we can help you to reset interview.



Company Client

1.在我们的网站上填写在线申请表。请详细填写此表格,以便我们能更准确地帮您安排 外籍人士。当您提交了您的信息,我们的工作人员会尽快与您取得联系。您也可直接拨打咨询热线021 - 60519008,我们的服务人员随时您提供咨询。

In our website fill in "Online Application". Fill out this form, so that we can more accurately help you arrange for you. When you submit your information,our staff will get in touch with you as soon as possible. You can directly Dial: 021- 60519008, our service personnel offer consulting anytime.


2. 我们确认了您找外籍人士的基本信息后,会帮您安排一位最适合您的外籍人士。并且安排外籍人士与您的面试。

 We confirm the you find foreign nationality personage of the basic information, will help you according to your requirement arrange a best for your foreign nationality personage. And arrange expatriates and your interview.


3. 在任职期间,我们会与公司保持联系,做好跟踪服务工作。任职之后,如果您对外籍人士不满意,您可与我们或者外籍人士直接沟通,使其今早适应企业文化。

During the foreigner in office, we will keep in touch with the company, tracking service work. On board, if you are not satisfied with foreigners, you can communicate with us or foreigner directly, let them adapt to the enterprise culture earlier.


: 若工作地点离外籍人士的地方太远, 外籍人士要求有适量的车贴。